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Taramasalata in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Taramasalata during pregnancy? No.
This unique Greek meze made from tarama is tasty and might cause a crave while you are pregnant BUT it has a listeriosis risk due to raw fish eggs it contains. This is the ,main reason that it is not advisable for pregnant women to eat Taramasalata during their pregnancy. Sorry.
pregnancy food
* The content is based on medical / pregnancy websites & forums found on the web. You're invited to read the full recommandation in their link under "read more".

What to do when you crave
Taramasalata in pregnancy
Sounds like you really like fish - so the best option for you, as long as you are pregnant - is to eat cooked fish instead. Keep the Taramasalata for the days of your maternity leave.


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