Quaker Oat in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Oat during pregnancy? The short answer is yes! The longer answer is that if you love eating quaker oat for breakfast you can continue doing it during the next nine months. It contains many essential nutrients that are good for you and your baby. For example: iron, folic acid, vitamin B1 and E, different minerals and more.
Oats contain a considerable amount of soluble fiber and will help ease digestion, improve bowel movements and thus treat constipation.
There are many creative ways to add oats to your diet. In soup, apple cinnamon oatmeal with milk, add to your baking.
Mom Junction
* The content is based on medical / pregnancy websites & forums found on the web. You're invited to read the full recommandation in their link under "read more".

What to do when you crave
Quaker Oat in pregnancy
Don't stop yourself and enjoy your quaker bowl as a brakfast in the morning, or you can make healthy bars with it, cookies (with not much suger please) and many more ideas for healthy dishes to add while your are pregnant.