Grapefruit during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Grapefruit during pregnancy? YES
Grapefruit considered as one of the healthiest fruits a pregnant woman can consume (Like orange and pomelo by the way). You can keep eat Grapefruit as part of your breakfast while you are pregnant. One of the reasons it's that good is since it contains the B complex vitamins, calcium, and potassium, all of which are essential for the growth of the baby.
There are many more health benefits of eating grapefruit while pregnant as you can read more here like help with cholesterol, or keep your a healthy weight.
Mom Junction
* The content is based on medical / pregnancy websites & forums found on the web. You're invited to read the full recommandation in their link under "read more".

What to do when you crave
Grapefruit during pregnancy
Make a juice and add enjoy it in your next breakfast!