Brandy in pregnancy

Is it safe to drink Brandy during pregnancy? Easy - NO
As part of the alcoholic drinks out there, it's not safe for you to drink alcohol as long as you are pregnant. Experts agree that drinking alcohol during pregnancy could pose a long-term risk to your unborn baby, and the more you drink, the higher the risks. Why not? When you have an alcoholic drink, the alcohol goes into your bloodstream. Alcohol freely crosses the placenta, so once it's in your bloodstream, it soon reaches your baby - and this is not really good. You can read more about it in many sites on the internet. Here is one option to check.
Baby Centre
* The content is based on medical / pregnancy websites & forums found on the web. You're invited to read the full recommandation in their link under "read more".

What to do when you crave
Brandy in pregnancy
Simply explore the tasty and sweet world of virgin cocktails or mocktails as other people call it. You won't get drunk since it's not contains alcohol - but you feel like in vaction and can join to your not pregnant frined for a "drink".