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Alfalfa in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat alfalfa during pregnancy? No

Raw sprouts - like alfalfa or bean sprouts - have been linked to E. coli and salmonella outbreaks, so they definitely belong to the "better-safe-than-sorry" category of foods to avoid during pregnancy. That said, you're not condemned to forgo that crunchy texture until you give birth. Try substituting baby spinach or baby arugula in your sandwich or salads or try adding some thin-cut, French-style green beans. 

Avoid Alfalfa during pregnancy

Apricots in pregnancy

Is it good to eat Apricots during pregnancy? Yes.

Apricots considered as a great fruit to consume while you are expecting. Apricot belongs to Rosaceae family (together with cherries, peaches, plums, almond) and this fruit may be added to your pregnancy diet for its immense health benefits. It is very important to wash the fruit thoroughly to get rid of the harmful pesticides and chemicals. More benefits of eating apricots during your pregnancy are: Helps with Constipation, Helps in Treating Anaemia, Helps to Maintain Good Eye Health, Helps in Maintaining Blood Sugar Levels and so much more as you can read here.

Apricots are very heathy for pregnant women

Arugula in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Arugula during pregnancy? Yes.

Arugula, that is also known as rucola is safe to eat while you are pregnant. You can enjoy arugula in your salad or your sandwich. All salad lettuces are considered safe for consumption during pregnancy, but not all lettuces are created equal. Dark, leafy lettuces and greens like spinach, arugula, radicchio, and romaine contain more vitamins and nutrients than iceberg lettuce. Prepackaged lettuces and greens, though sometimes washed before packaging, should be washed before consuming to ensure no residual bacteria is present.

Enjoy Arugula salad during pregnancy

Blueberries in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Blueberries during pregnancy? Yes. It's even recomended to do so.

Blueberries are safe for pregnant women. If you love the taste - it's great news for you. Blueberries are a rich source of Vitamin K, Vitamin C, manganese, dietary fiber, and copper. It consider a super food that you must have during pregnancy for the following reasons: weight gain during pregnancy, strengthens your Immune system, reduce stress and even make your baby’s bones strong. You can read the full list of Blueberries benefits in pregnancy here, and enjoy thier sweet taste.

Blueberries as part of your breakfast. Tasty.

Brie cheese in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat brie cheese during pregnancy? NO. It's better not.

Soft cheese - like brie, camembert or chèvre (a type of goats' cheese), and others with a similar rind - may contain listeria bacteria, so pregnant women are advised not to eat them. It's not certain the cheese will contain listeria, but there's a higher risk than with other types that are safer.

Brie and other soft cheese in not safe during pregnancy | Picture Credit: wikipedia

Canned Tuna during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat canned tuna during pregnancy? YES.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding can eat both white (albacore) and light canned/pouched tuna as part of a variety of their 2-3 servings of seafood each week.

Canned tuna is tasty and safe

Chamomile in pregnancy

Is it safe to drink chamomile tea during pregnancy? No.

When we are not sure - we prefer the "no" option. In this case the answer is not that clear. Chamomile (usually German chamomile) has many benefits like help with sleep issues, include a dose of antioxidants and more. But it also contains anti-inflammatory agents that may be dangerous during pregnancy. It depends on your medical history, the ammount you consume, and other factors. While there is not enough research reggarding the effect of cusuming chamomile during pregnancy it's better to ask your doctor about it. You can read here that it's better to avoid chamomile if you want to be sure.

Chamomile tea - herbal tea or not

Coffee in pregnancy

Is it safe to drink coffee during pregnancy? Yes. With limitation.

Even during pregnancy it's difficult to start your day without a cup of coffee. Though caffeine has benefits (improve focus and boost energy), health authorities recommend watching your intake during pregnancy.

Most experts agree that caffeine is safe during pregnancy if limited to 200 mg or less per day. This equals about 1–2 cups (240–580 ml) of coffee or 2–4 cups (540–960 ml) of caffeinated tea. So yes, but so your math :)

Cannot skip your coffee? that's ok

Gorgonzola cheese in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat gorgonzola cheese during pregnancy? NO. It's better not.

Soft cheese - like gorgonzola, roquefort, soft blue-veined cheese sanish blue - 

 may contain listeria bacteria, so pregnant women are advised not to eat them. It's not certain the cheese will contain listeria, but there's a higher risk than with other types that are safer.

Gorgonzola? Not during pregnancy

Honey during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat honey during pregnancy? Yes it is.

While it's true that honey is not safe for babies because the concern it can cause botulism. Anyway, it only affects babies less than a year old as their digestive system is immature. So the good news for you and other pregnant women is that you can enjoy pasteurized honey without worries. Honey even has benefits that are good for your health like - a way to treat acute cough, help you to sleep better and more benefits you can read about here.

Jar of tasty honey is beautiful

Mayonnaise during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat mayonnaise during pregnancy? NO.

Unless the eggs you want to eat have a red British Lion Quality stamp on the shell (in the UK), you should avoid eating them raw or runny. British Lion eggs have a very low risk of carrying salmonella, a bacteria that causes food poisoning.

Don't eat fresh mayonnaise from delis or restaurants, unless you're sure that British Lion eggs have been used. However, supermarket salad dressings and ice creams are usually made using pasteurised egg, so are safe to eat.

Mayonnaise is risky during pregnancy

Oats during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Oats during pregnancy? Yes. It's healthy!

As consuming oats is considered as a healthy food anytime - it's also healthy for pregnant women and beneficial for them.

It's a great source of energy, it's a natural source of folate, the enriched variety supplies the folic acid - that is important during pregnancy. Eating oats every day gives you the required iron, vitanmins B1, E and more!

Oats for breakfast

Oysters during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat oysters during pregnancy? No.

Although some websites argue that it's safe to eat oysters during pregnancy - the common recommendation is to avoid it during the 9 months of your pregnancy. Both the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration recommend that pregnant women only eat fish and shellfish that has been cooked to 145 degrees F (This temperature destroys any potentially harmful parasites and pathogens). If you love Oysters - cool, but it's better to stick with cooked fish and shellfish, including cooked oysters.

Fresh oysters dish

Quaker Oat in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Oat during pregnancy? The short answer is yes! The longer answer is that if you love eating quaker oat for breakfast you can continue doing it during the next nine months. It contains many essential nutrients that are good for you and your baby. For example: iron, folic acid, vitamin B1 and E, different minerals and more.

Oats contain a considerable amount of soluble fiber and will help ease digestion, improve bowel movements and thus treat constipation.

There are many creative ways to add oats to your diet. In soup, apple cinnamon oatmeal with milk, add to your baking.

Quaker Oat Bowel for breakfast

Raw shellfish during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat raw shellfish or raw oysters during pregnancy? NO.

We founbd that the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration recommend that pregnant women only eat fish and shellfish that has been cooked to 145 degrees F. The reason is simple - cooking fish to this temperature destroys any potentially harmful parasites and pathogens. In any other case - skip the dish and avoid the risk of eating raw shellfish during pregnancy.

Not during pregnancy - Raw shellfish

Sage during pregnancy

Is it safe to consume sage during pregnancy? No.

Some sources says it's ok to drink sage tea, but in general taking sage during pregnancy is likely unsafe because of the possibility of consuming thujone, a chemical found in some sage. Thujone can bring on a woman's menstrual period, and this could cause a miscarriage. We would skip this herp as long as you are pregnant.

Fresh Sage herb

Seafood during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat seafood during pregnancy? YES.

There are many types of seafood like - shrimp, crab, clams and more. In order to deeper understand what's consider safe for you and your baby and what is not - you can read this full seafood guide for pregnant woman. The most popular types of seafood in the U.S. are all safe and healthy to eat during pregnancy. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding can eat both white (albacore) and light canned/pouched tuna as part of a variety of their 2-3 servings of seafood each week.

Many seafood types are safe to eat

Smoked Salmon during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat smoked salmon / lox during pregnancy? No.

During those nine months it's important to avoid unheated cold-smoked fish since it's not fully cooked and there is a risk for you and your baby. Salmon lox isn't heated high enough to kill certain parasites and bacteria. However, if this salmon is previously heated to 165℉, than it's considered as a hot-smoked salmon and in this case shouldn’t cause dangerous infections as it's fully cooked.

Smoked salmon sandwich aka lox

Sweet Potatoes in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat sweet potatoes in pregnancy? YES

Now that your are eating for two, and changing your diet to more healthy for you and your baby - it's good to discover the sweet potatoes as a good ingredient to add to your plate during your 9 months pregnant. Why sweet potatoes good for you? For many reasons, like: Sweet potatoes is a good source for Vitamin A, Vitamin C and iron that helps in the absorption of iron that is essential for good health of your baby during pregnancy. Also Potassium is a vital nutrient for pregnant mothers and adults as well - that can be found it sweet potatoes. The only thing you need to remember is that it's better not eating sweet potatoes on a daily basis while you are pregnant. You can read about the risks here.

Sweet potatoes as a dish for pregnant woman

Taramasalata in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Taramasalata during pregnancy? No. 

This unique Greek meze made from tarama is tasty and might cause a crave while you are pregnant BUT it has a listeriosis risk due to raw fish eggs it contains. This is the ,main reason that it is not advisable for pregnant women to eat Taramasalata during their pregnancy. Sorry.


Tofu during pregnancy

Is Soy Safe During Pregnancy? It depends.

Some experts warn that too much could harm your health and your developing baby. According to it's all about moderation and says that during pregnancy 1-2 servings of soy daily is OK (serving is half a cup of tofu or a cup of soymilk - your choice).

Tofu and soy - moderation is the key

Wakame in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Wakame during pregnancy? YES
Asian food is one of our favourites and this question is important to us also. So first, there are a few types of seaweed - red (used in sushi, like nori type) brown (mainly used for soups) and green varieties - usually used to make salads and soups. Almost all varieties of seaweeds are safe for consumption during pregnancy, however many sites recommend to keep your consumption on small amounts.

wakame salad or seaweed tasty during pregnancy

Yogurt in pregnancy

You can definitely keep your favorite option for breakfast. YES, yogurt is healthy for you and your fetus.

Yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, is particularly beneficial for pregnant women. There are many reasons for that. As mentioned in healthline site It contains more calcium than most other dairy products. Some varieties also contain probiotic bacteria, which support digestive health.

Great breakfast option during pregnancy

Anchovy in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Anchovy during pregnancy? Yes.

Seafood, which includes fish and shellfish, can be a great source of protein, iron and zinc — crucial nutrients for your baby's growth and development. The omega-3 fatty acids in many fish, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), also can promote your baby's brain development.

Anchovies considered safe to eat in pregnancy - since it's low in mercury and high in omega-3 fatty acids. Just keep in mind the weekly amount of anchovy that you eat. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that pregnant women eat at least 8 ounces and up to 12 ounces (340 grams) of a variety of seafood lower in mercury a week. That's about two to three servings.

It's safe to eat Anchovy during pregnancy

Artichoke in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Artichoke during pregnancy? Yes.

Such a beautiful vegetable that is also a great non meat source of iron. It also contains folate that is helps your metabolize proteins and helping to prevent birth defect. It's also enjoyable to eat and good source of fiber. 

Many Artichokes

Asparagus in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Asparagus during pregnancy? YES.

Asparagus is a commonly eaten vegetable around the world. It can be eaten raw or cooked. It is a good source of folate, vitamin K, iron, and fiber. This makes it valuable during pregnancy and means it can contribute to heart health and the prevention of osteoporosis.

Eating asparagus during pregnancy

Brandy in pregnancy

Is it safe to drink Brandy during pregnancy? Easy - NO

As part of the alcoholic drinks out there, it's not safe for you to drink alcohol as long as you are pregnant. Experts agree that drinking alcohol during pregnancy could pose a long-term risk to your unborn baby, and the more you drink, the higher the risks. Why not? When you have an alcoholic drink, the alcohol goes into your bloodstream. Alcohol freely crosses the placenta, so once it's in your bloodstream, it soon reaches your baby - and this is not really good. You can read more about it in many sites on the internet. Here is one option to check. 

Brandy drink during pregnancy is not a good idea

Caffeine in pregnancy

Is it safe to consume caffeine during pregnancy? Yes. With limitation.

Even during pregnancy it's difficult to start your day without a cup of coffee. Though caffeine has benefits (improve focus and boost energy), health authorities recommend watching your intake during pregnancy.

Most experts agree that caffeine is safe during pregnancy if limited to 200 mg or less per day. This equals about 1–2 cups (240–580 ml) of coffee or 2–4 cups (540–960 ml) of caffeinated tea. So yes, but so your math :)

Caffeine in pregnancy might work

Cardamom in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat cardamom during pregnancy? It’s complicated. Cardamom also known as True Cardamom, can be use as spice to your food and drinks, but also cardamom has benefits as a medicine.

We found that during pregnancy you can use cardamom scents or tea. It can help your with nausea. When taken cardamom by mouth as a medicine - it might be unsafe during your pregnancy with concern that it might lead to miscarriage. You can read about it here. We would not take a chance in this case.

Fresh cardamom

Chocolate Mousse in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat chocolate mousse during pregnancy? No.

The answer is short since it incorporate raw eggs into their decadent recipes, so you have the risk of salmonella. It's recommended not to consume chocolate mousse as long as you are expecting.

Chocolate Mousse dessert

Endive in pregnancy

Is Endive is safe to eat during pregnancy? Yes. Eating vegetables during your pregnancy is really important for your diet. Endive consider as a great choise to add to your salad, or enjoy with a dip. Endive is low calorie and is just 1 gram of fat in an full head of leaves.

Grapefruit during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Grapefruit during pregnancy? YES

Grapefruit considered as one of the healthiest fruits a pregnant woman can consume (Like orange and pomelo by the way). You can keep eat Grapefruit as part of your breakfast while you are pregnant. One of  the reasons it's that good is since it contains the B complex vitamins, calcium, and potassium, all of which are essential for the growth of the baby.

There are many more health benefits of eating grapefruit while pregnant as you can read more here like help with cholesterol, or keep your a healthy weight.  

Eating grapefruit during pregnancy is good for you

Kale during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Kale during pregnancy? Yes.

Is seems like kale is one of the best prenatal foods around, and hence healthy for you to eat while you are pregnant. A cup of cooked kale contains fiber, as well as 10 percent of your daily requirement of bone-building calcium. It also delivers more than all of the vitamins A and C you need in a day. Sounds good, right?

Cup of Kale

Meringue in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat meringue during pregnancy? No.

Meringue is made from raw egg whites and sugar. Usually it’s not cooked enough to be safe to eat for a pregnant woman. The risk of eating undercooked meringue is salmonella. That’s why we would skip meringue for this period and find healthier sweets to improve your day.

Meringue top on a cake

Okra in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Okra during pregnancy? Yes. So many benefits in one vegetable - healthy, rich in folic acid, vitamins, fiber and also tasty! As you want to add new ingridients to your dishes Okra is an interesting option. You can fry or cook it the way you love it. 

Okra in a plate

Peanuts during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Peanuts during pregnancy? It depends.

If you’re not allergic to peanuts, you should feel safe eating peanuts and foods that might contain peanuts during pregnancy. Like cereals, chocolate with peants snaks. If you DO have an allergy to peanuts or any food, you should avoid them at all times. The reason is the higher risk for the baby to have a peanut allergy.

Peanuts during pregnancy

Raw eggs during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat raw eggs? NO.

If you google it, you'll find a discussion from the past few years weather it's OK to eat it (especially in the UK), but most of the internet says that raw or undercooked eggs should be avoided during pregnancy because of the risk of Salmonella you don't want to take during your pregnancy. And BTW, foods made using raw egg, such as mayonnaise or mousse, should also be avoided.

Don't eat raw eggs. It's safer

Roquefort cheese during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat roquefort cheese during pregnancy? NO. It's better not.

Soft cheese - like roquefort, gorgonzola, soft blue-veined cheese sanish blue - 

 may contain listeria bacteria, so pregnant women are advised not to eat them. It's not certain the cheese will contain listeria, but there's a higher risk than with other types that are safer.

Soft cheese is out during pregnancy

Salmon during pregnancy

Can I eat Salmon during pregnancy? Yes. If it's cooked.

In general fish contain vital nutrients including omega 3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals such as iron. The problem is with fish with high mercury rate (salmon is not the case). Is you want your salmon as raw fish it may contain small parasitic worms, such as anisakis. Cooking the fish usually destroys the worm. If you eat raw or undercooked salmon which may contain these worms then it can cause health problems which can happen to anyone, not just pregnant women.

Infection with these worms results in a condition known as anisakidosis (formerly known as anisakiasis or anisakiasis). you can read about the symptoms here.

Enjoy cooked salmon during pregnancy

Shallots in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Shallots during pregnancy? Yes. Why not?

Shallots are great ingridieant to consume in your salad or cookings. The only thing you need to remembers is to wash it well before eating. You can use gloves if gardening to avoid even the smallest chance of exposure to toxoplasmosis parasite during your pregnancy. Anyway, Shallots are a tasty type of opnions you can consume plus - give an advice for your not pregnant friends that it contain antioxidant glutathione, important for both male and female fertility.

Shallots onions are healthy

Soft cheeses during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat soft cheese during pregnancy? NO. It's better not.

Soft cheese - like roquefort, gorgonzola, soft blue-veined cheese sanish blue - 

 may contain listeria bacteria, so pregnant women are advised not to eat them. It's not certain the cheese will contain listeria, but there's a higher risk than with other types that are safer.

Soft cheese - skip during pregnancy

Swordfish during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat swordfish during pregnancy? It depands.

In general fish contain vital nutrients including omega 3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals such as iron. The problem is with fish with high mercury rate such as swordfish, shark, tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico and king mackerel. According to it's better to avoid those 4 types of fish during a pregnancy.

It’s also recommend for pregnant and breastfeeding women to avoid eating raw fish as they are more susceptible to food-borne illnesses.

Swordfish isn't safe during pregnancy

Tilefish in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat fish during pregnancy? It depands.

In general fish contain vital nutrients including omega 3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals such as iron. The problem is with fish with high mercury rate such as tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico, swordfish, shark, and king mackerel. According to it's better to avoid those 4 types of fish during a pregnancy.

It’s also recommend for pregnant and breastfeeding women to avoid eating raw fish as they are more susceptible to food-borne illnesses.

Fish is great during pregnancy - if you choose right

Undercooked sprouts during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat undercooked sprouts during pregnancy? NO.

Together with their advantages they also carry harmful bacteria so concerns about their ill effects on pregnancy health have arisen. The bottom line of the full explanation you can find here is that raw sprouts should not be consumed by pregnant women because of the potential health hazards they pose.

Better not to eat undercooked sprouts during pregnancy

Watermelon in pregnancy

Wonder if the watermelon you so love to eat is good for you and for your baby during pregnancy? Well YES. site explaining that Watermelon eases heartburn and reduces swelling; its high water content (92 percent) and fruit sugars can help alleviate morning sickness and dehydration; and the minerals it contains can help prevent third-trimester muscle cramps.

It's juicy, tasty and apparently good for you.

Good choice - watermelon in pregnancy

Aperol spritz during pregnancy

Is it safe to drink Aperol Spritz during pregnancy? No, unfortunately. 

Aperol spritz, the orange and tasty Italian cocktail contains alcohole and that's the reason it's not recomended to drink as long as you are pregnant. 

But we heard that the same company of Aperol also offers non alcoholic drink named Cordino that might be a good option when you have Aperol spritz craving. You can see a discussion about it here.

Drink of Aperol spritz. Want!

Artichokes in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Artichokes during pregnancy? Yes.

Artichokes is even consider as Pregnancy Power Food! This vegetable originated from the Mediterranean, belongs to the sunflower family. The edible portion of the plant is the flower bud. It stimulates bile flow and helps you overcome uncomfortable symptoms of nausea, intestinal gas, and heartburn, during pregnancy. There are many more benefits for you to consume Artichokes while your are pregnant like: Supplies Magnesium, Folate, Choline that are good for you and your baby. You only have to be aware of Allergic Reaction like itching, skin rashes or hives, difficulty swallowing, swelling, or wheezing. Otherwise - It's fantastic and also tasty :)

Artichokes is heathy for you during pregnancy

Avocado in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat avocado during your pregnancy? YES.

Loaded with folate, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6 (which helps baby's tissue and brain growth as well as eases morning sickness), avocados are a delicious way to get your vitamins. Spread some ripe avocado on your whole grain roll as a healthy substitute for mayo. Just remember it loads with fat...

Eating avocado during pregnancy

Brazil nuts in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Brazil nuts during pregnancy? In a limited way.

Brazil nuts offer some impressive health benefits, like excellent source of healthy fats or magnesium. The thing is that Brazil nuts also rich in selenium and  eating too many Brazil nuts a day could be harmful for your health (BTW, not only for pregnant women). For example - eating 50 average-sized Brazil nuts, can lead to toxicity and casue problems to your heart. So make sure you get the advise of your doctor. Usually eating 2-3 a day consider ok.

Many Brazil nuts in a bowl

Camembert cheese in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat camembert cheese during pregnancy? NO. It's better not.

Soft cheese - like camembert, brie or chèvre (a type of goats' cheese), and others with a similar rind - may contain listeria bacteria, so pregnant women are advised not to eat them. It's not certain the cheese will contain listeria, but there's a higher risk than with other types that are safer.

Camembert and other soft cheese in not safe during pregnancy | Picture Credit: wikipedia

Ceviche in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat ceviche during pregnancy? No.

We know that it might be confusing sometimes that the fish in ceviche looks cooked, but it isn't. In ceviche dish while the fish is soaked in acidic lime juice still there's no heat in the cooking process, so the fish is cold and no bacteria gets killed. This is the reason that it's better to wait with this craving and eat ceviche only after your give birth.

Ceviche dish with toasts

Coconut Milk in pregnancy

Is it safe to drink Coconut milk during pregnancy? Yes.

The type of fat this drink contains  is considered to help improve the immune system. There are more benefits in Coconut milk like it contains good amounts of iron, can help manage blood sugar and blood pressure levels and more. Like in any other recommendation during pregnancy, moderation is also relevant here. So you can enjoy Coconut milk but don't go too far with cravings...

Tasty Coconut milk

Goji Berry in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Goji Berry during pregnancy? Yes, but in moderation. Goji berries, considered as Superfood - also widely popular as wolfberries, are juicy oblong dark red. While many sources confirm that it's ok to eat  Goji Berry during those 9 months, some say the opposite. Confusing? right. You can enjoy it but if you suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes - it's better to ask your doctor.

Goji Berries in a breakfast

Hollandaise sauce during pregnancy

Is hollandaise sauce is safe to eat during pregnancy? No.

We are talking abou the creamy, tasty and lemony sauce poured over eggs benedict. The reason it's forbidden for pregnant women to eat is because it could contain raw eggs. Raw eggs can be breeding grounds for salmonella, which can cause digestive distress, and, in rare cases, uterine cramping. So just skip hollandaise sauce for now.

Hollandaise sauce on eggs Benedict

King mackerel during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat king mackerel during pregnancy? NO.

Many fish contain vital nutrients including omega 3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals such as iron. The problem is with types of fish with high mercury rate such as king mackerel, swordfish, shark and tilefish. According to it's better to avoid those 4 types of fish during a pregnancy.

It’s also recommend for pregnant and breastfeeding women to avoid eating raw fish as they are more susceptible to food-borne illnesses.

Don't. Just don't.

Nuts during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Nuts during pregnancy? YES

There are new researches shows that eating nuts during pregnancy tied to brain benefits in baby. Children of mothers who ate 2 to 3 ounces of nuts a week during pregnancy tended to score higher on tests of memory, attention and I.Q. Amazing reason to start consuming nuts while you are pregnant right? There's more. Nuts are a rich source of vitamin B and E, fat. Nuts have essential minerals such as phosphorous, potassium, zinc, selenium, copper are also present in high amounts that are essential for proper development of the fetus.

If you love to snack on nuts from time to time -simply enjoy it during those 9 months.

Nuts that are healthy during pregnancy

Oregano in pregnancy

Is it safe to consume Oregano during pregnancy? Not recomended.

While the use of dry oregano in samll amounts consider safe,

pregnant women should not take oregano in medicinal amounts because the oils the contain could reach the baby and harm it or may cause miscarriages. Whenever we are not sure we prefer to take the conservative option and skip Oregano for nine months of pregnancy.

Dry Oregano on pasta

Persimmon in pregnancy

Is it safe to eat persimmon during pregnancy? Yes.

Eating fruits in general during those 9 months is a great source of vitamins for you and your baby. Persimmons specifically contains Vitamin A and carotene which helps strengthen your eyesight and heart muscles. There are more benefits of eating persimmon while you are expecting like Vitamin C that is highly effective in reducing stress and anxiety. You can enjoy this fruit but as always - make sure to consume it in a moderate amount.

Persimmons in a basket

Raw meat during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat raw meet in pregnancy? NO.

Sometimes it's very clear. Uncooked seafood and rare or undercooked beef or poultry should be avoided because of the risk of contamination with coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis, and salmonella.

Skip the raw meet if you are pregnant

Saffron in pregnancy

Is it safe to consume Saffron during pregnancy? No.

Well, at least no during your first trimester. You probably want to use Saffron for a sufisticated recepie since it considered the most expensive spice in the world. Anyway, as you already know, the first trimester may be the most significant for your baby and  research suggests that it may be best to avoid saffron during your first trimester. Also some research has shown that exposure to a large amount of saffron after the first trimester may increase the risk of miscarriage. 

Saffron in a bowl ready to be cooked

Sashimi during pregnancy

Can I eat sashimi during pregnancy? NO.

The problem with raw fish is that fish such as salmon may contain small parasitic worms, such as anisakis. Cooking the fish usually destroys the worm. If you eat raw or undercooked fish which may contain these worms then it can cause health problems which can happen to anyone, not just pregnant women.

Infection with these worms results in a condition known as anisakidosis (formerly known as anisakiasis or anisakiasis). you can read about the symptoms here.

Sashimi is raw fish - which isn't safe

Shark during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat shark during pregnancy? NO.

In general fish contain vital nutrients including omega 3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals such as iron. The problem is with fish with high mercury rate such as shark, tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico, swordfish, and king mackerel. According to it's better to avoid those 4 types of fish during a pregnancy.

It’s also recommend for pregnant and breastfeeding women to avoid eating raw fish as they are more susceptible to food-borne illnesses.

No sharks during pragnancy please

Sushi during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat sushi during pregnancy? Depends.

Sushi come with raw fish or seafood and in this case it's not recommended to eat as a pregnant woman. Unless it's been frozen first - before making it. Most of the time you cannpt be sure - so maybe it's your chance to prepare your sushi at home. You should also limit the amount of some types of fish that you eat while pregnant, such as tuna and oily fish. See the full explanation here.

Sushi - not always safe

Tarama during pregnancy

Is it safe to eat Taramasalata during pregnancy? No. 

This unique Greek meze made from tarama is tasty and might cause a crave while you are pregnant BUT it has a listeriosis risk due to raw fish eggs it contains. This is the ,main reason that it is not advisable for pregnant women to eat Taramasalata during their pregnancy. Sorry.


Tiramisu during pregnancy

Is tiramisu safe to eat? NO

Since usually it contains raw eggs. Sorry, this time it's better to skip your favorite dessert.

If you still have a huge crave, maybe you can find a solution. According to webmd there is a safe way to prepare your favorite recipe. Some supermarkets sell pasteurized eggs, which are OK to eat raw. Make sure the label on the eggs specifically states "pasteurized."

Personally, we would skip tiramisu for 9 months.

be careful from the raw eggs inside

Unpasteurized milk during pregnancy

Is it safe to drink raw milk during pregnancy? Easy. NO

Any raw milk product that is not pasteurized (has not heated to a high temperature to kill microbes) can carry disease-causing microbes. The worry of these is the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, which can cause an infection called listeriosis.  As explained in babycenter Pregnant women are particularly susceptible to it, and the infection can be devastating and even deadly for unborn babies. 

Skip any Unpasteurized milk or raw milk

Wheat in pregnancy

Is it good to eat Wheat during your pregnancy? YES.

According to babycenter grains (For example - whole wheat, oats, corn, rice) are packed with nutrients like iron, selenium, and magnesium. They're also especially good sources of the B vitamins (including B1, B2, folic acid, and niacin) your growing baby needs for just about every part of his body. Grains supply energy for your baby's development and help the placenta grow.

During pregnancy it's better for you to choose "whole grains," like whole wheat bread and brown rice.

Better to choose whole grains during pregnancy

During pregnancy your diet and nutrition guide is a bit changing. There are many foods you love that now it's better for you and your baby to avoid, new foods it's better for you to consume as long as your are pregnant, and you might also discover new tastes recipes and foods that you didn't like or knew before and now you'll have crave for. Those 9 months of pregnancy are like a ride it's better to know the rules of what is healthy and good for you and your baby and what considered as something you should limit. Anyway, don't forget that you will come back some day to eat all that foods that are not healthy for a pregnant woman right after the birth. Meanwhile find to cool and positive tastes that are around you and fill your freezer with it.

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